What is a Psychoscope?

I like reading my daily horoscopes. They are usually very well written. I like them not because I believe in astrology and anything it claims to know about people, but because it gives me food for thought and mental path to follow, in other words - retrospect and reflect. I look at them not as predictions or explanation of what's in store ("in stars") for me for today, but what can I do, think, or change to make today and tomorrow better.
Here is, for example, my horoscope for July 10th, 2019:
"People rely on you as a stable force, so when you shift, the community feels it. If you make a sudden move today, everyone around you responds, from your friends and companions to the people in your social network. It is as though you are caught in a web of invisible threads, each dependent on the other. Your self-expression is the critical element now, shaping your external life in ways that better match the person you are becoming on the inside. You are the weaver of your destiny."
What do I take from this:
·         "People rely on you (me) as a stable force, so when you shift, the community feels it...."

It is good to represent a stable, gravitational force. This force is an equivalent of integrity. I think it's important to be this way because then people can rely on you. I would like to think of myself as stable force, and I like to stir a commotion if I do a move that is out of my character, or somehow unexpected. So this phrase alone motivated me to cultivate the stability and integrity within me, and that's a good thing. This is something I probably wouldn't think about today otherwise.

·         "Your self-expression is the critical element now, shaping your external life in ways that better match the person you are becoming on the inside. You are the weaver of your destiny."

I should understand that although being a stable force is good, this shouldn't stop anyone  from changing the narrative they've chosen for themselves this far. If I see a need for change, new forces, new interests, I need to recognize them and help developing. Moreover, I need to practice watching out for those new trends, as I must change and grow. But again new trends need to be merged in so they become part of the 'stable force' at some point, and not just fits of random ideas or desires.
So I've decided to start a new blog called Psychoscope, where I will write daily ‘psychoscopes’ - daily observations and ideas about life, life dilemmas, people and their characters, thinking models and anything else that, in my view, is worth thinking about.

I will admit that I will be "stealing" ideas from horoscopes, but it will be as much of a theft as any kind of writing is. I once heard a saying that only ancient Greeks were creating authentic writings, everybody else is re-writing the same ideas. So I will be 'stealing' ideas from my daily horoscopes and interpreting them to provoke thinking. 


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